Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tathion 307

 Well, this is not a review but only a product feature. I've been reading many things about Tathion 307 lately. Some says that it is more effective than PH338 but some are claiming that the latter is still more effective.

Tathion 307 is also manufactured in Japan, like PH338, this is a very powerful and effective form of glutathione.

Here are some of the properties that Tathion 307 claims:

1.) Improves pigmentation of the skin such as melasma, scars, improper chemical peel and post chicken pox.

2.) It helps the skin look smoother and achieve even color.

3.) It is an anti-oxidant and enhances liver function.

4.) It also helps prevent diseases of the eye such as disorder of eyeball tissues, cornea, cataract, and optic nerve.

5.) Makes your skin flawless.

I've seen multiple online sellers that sell this brand of glutathione for around Php 2000 for 90 capsules. If I were not mistaken, you have to take 3-4 caps a day to be able to see positive whitening effect. So, the Php2000 worth of Tathion 307 will last more or less a month. Glutathione can whiten the skin in as short as 2 months, once you get your desired result, maintain it by taking Tathion 307 once a day.

I hope this will work for you. Please share any positive or negative review regarding this glutathione pill, Tathion 307.

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