Thursday, June 2, 2011

Glutathione Injection Not Legal---FDA

My guests here on this blog have one thing in common: the dream to have a fairer skin. Some of them must have resorted to various skin whitening treatments, including injectable glutathione. But what should they do now that FDA announced that glutathione injectables are not legal?

I am wondering how could we get an injection of glutathione from reputable clinics when it is not FDA-approved? Injectable glutathione has been out for years, and it is even endorsed by popular stars (remember Bangs Garcia on TV while getting IV glutathione dosage? ). How come we heard no warning from Food and Drug Administration about this before? They should have told us (on TV) 'Hey, those IV glutathione shots are not proven safe.' But there is no warning.

We, consumers, are waiting for the FDA's test  results.

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