Monday, January 17, 2011

Bacne Treatments: Here are the Best Ways to Cure Back Acne

Who wouldn't want a smooth and flawless back? If your back is full of acne (commonly known as bacne), you wouldn't be able to flaunt your back and wear backless shirts and bikini tops.

So, what are the best back acne treatments? What are the products suitable for stubborn bacne?

Unlike facial acne, bacne is harder to treat. Not just that it is very hard to view, but bacne is usually more inflamed. Our backs are more susceptible to sweating, thus aggravating bacne problem.

Here are some tips on best bacne treatments:

1. Apricot Scrub- you can use it to scrub dead skin cells, thus leaving your back cleaner and more ready for bacne treatment.

2. Salicylic Acid- you can buy this in ointment or liquid form. Apply this on clean skin as often as 3 x daily and the bacne will surely dry up.

3. Kojie San soap- my favorite. I've been using this for a year now and no reappearance of even a slight bump on my back.

4. Dr. Kaufman Soap- this is an antibacterial/antifungal soap effective in preventing and treatment of skin problems such as bacne.

5. Neem Extract- this plant is well-known in Asian countries like Malaysia and India. It is very effective treatment for facial and back acne. Boil some leaves and use it as your rinsing water in bath. You can also apply it directly on affected area by using a cotton ball.

6. Benzoyl Peroxide-this is one of the most effective treatment for facial acne, and is also very effective in treating bacne. Use it with care, for some suffers slight reddening of skin subsequent to using Benzoyl Peroxide.

In using these bacne treatments, it is very much recommended that you consult your doctor or dermatologist first. You may suffer from allergic reactions from these products if not used properly, or if you are allergic to one of its components. Bacne or back acne is common, but there are lots of means to treat it, all you have to do is follow the instructions thoroughly and you will have a flawless, smooth backside in no time.

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